Workgroup vs Domain

What is a Workgroup ?
  • It is a number of computers that are connected together on the LAN, so the internal network that are logically grouped.
  • It actually changes the file sharing permissions, a network discovery protocol.
  • It has less security, this is for limited or less no of computers.
  • To configure or to change the security settings we have to go on each and every computer.

How to add a computer to a workgroup ?
  • Click Start and click Control Panel.

  • Double click the System applet.

  • Select the Computer Name tab. Click the Change button.
  • Type in the new workgroup name and Click OK. Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.

Workgroup vs Domain :


Network type Peer-to-peer Windows computer network.Client/server network.

Log inUser needs to have separate log in id and password at each workstation.User can log on at any workstation via their account and access domain resources.
Workstations  Computers are limited to maximum 10.There can be up to 2000 computers.
Location All computers must be on the same local network or subnet.The computers can be on different local networks, i.e. anywhere in the world.
ChangesEach computer must be changed manually or once changed must be transferred to each computer.Changes made to one are automatically made to all computers.

SecurityUser needs to have separate log in id and password at each workstation, but once logged in can access the computer.Domain users must provide a password or other credentials each time they access the domain.