What is RGB ?
The images what we see is containing millions of pixels. Each pixel is subdivided into 3 sub pixels i.e., Red, Green, and Blue. These colors are added in various combinations to make an array of different of colors. It is also known as additive color model.
It stores red,green, and blue values in little triplets effectively, with different values that each make up a single pixel. The values ranges from 0 to 255. 0 would be very dark and 255 would be very bright. Triplets of these values together compose a single pixel.
Why RGB values are from 0 to 255 ?
The each color channel RGB is represented by 8 bits, which together are called a byte. We use 24 binary digits to represent this one pixel. So, rather than binary, digital artists often use the hexadecimal system to represent colors.
Example :
Why can't we print the data using RGB model ?
Because It'll create white light (color) by combining colors so, it'll not shown on paper that is why we use CMYK model (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) it'll take white light (color) away by combining colors. It is also known as subtractive color model.
Applications of RGB model :
- Display of text, images in electronic system.
- Computer Graphics
- Image processing
- Image analysis
- Image storage
- Screens (mobile,laptop,pc,tabs..etc).