Names To The Left

Gestalt Law :
  • Right-align a block or column of whole numbers or of whole numbers and text.
  • Left-align a block or column of whole text.
  • Align numbers at the decimal point (or imaginary decimal point).

In how many ways we can align text ?
Left align : 
  • Left align is the default in word. 
  • All text aligned to the left hand margin with a ragged right edge.
  • In most cases our documents will be Left aligned.

Right align :
  • All text aligned to the right hand margin with a ragged left edge.
  • In this each line is different length.
  • It can be useful in some situations, such as columns or numbers, but it can also be very distracting to use for text.

Centered :
  • All text aligned in the center, leaving space on both sides.
  • Each line of text is centered between the margins.
  • It is very useful for aligning text in document titles, advertisements.

Justified :
  • All text aligned to the both left and right margins.
  • It gives the selected items a straight edge margin on both the right and left sides.
  • Although it looks neat and tidy, the extra space between words can get distracting in long paragraphs.