Shortcuts | Description |
CTRL + ; | For current date. |
CTRL + 9 | Hide selected rows. |
CTRL + 0 | Hide selected columns. |
CTRL + K | To insert Hyperlink. |
CTRL + H | Opens up the Find and Replace dialog box. |
ALT + F1 | This creates a chart out of the data in the current range (selected cells). |
ALT + SHIFT + F1 | Inserts a new worksheet into a workbook. |
Alt + Esc | Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened. |
CTRL + D | Fill down command on the selected cells. Fill down copies the content and format of the topmost cell into the cells below. |
CTRL + R | Fill right command on the selected cells. Fill right copies the content and format of the leftmost cell to the cells to the right. |
CTRL + SPACEBAR | Selects an entire column in a worksheet. |
SHIFT + SPACEBAR | Selects an entire row in a worksheet. |
CTRL + SHIFT + 1 | Number formatting with two decimal places. |
CTRL + SHIFT + 2 | Format as time. |
CTRL + SHIFT + 3 | Format as date. |
CTRL + SHIFT + 4 | Format as currency value ($). |
CTRL + SHIFT + 5 | Format as percentage. |
CTRL + SHIFT + 6 | Format number in exponential form also known as scientific form. |
ALT + = | Auto sum. |
ALT | Letter gets highlighted. |
F4 | Do something, and press F4 to repeat the action. |
CTRL + 1 | Format a cell quickly. |
CTRL + A | Select All. |
CTRL + PgDn/PgUp | Scroll thourgh Worksheets. |
CTRL + SHIFT + PgDn/PgUp | Select Multiple Sheets at same time. |
CTRL + W | Close A Workbook. |
SHIFT + F11 | Insert New Sheet. |
CTRL + ARROWS | Go to extreme ends of data. |
CTRL + END | Go to end of data. |
F12 | Save As. |
ALT + F11 | Go to VBA Screen. |