Primary vs Secondary Colors

What are the Primary colors ?
The colors that cannot be obtained by mixing any other colors in any proportions are called primary colors. RGB (Red,Green,Blue) are the primary additive colors. RYB (Red,Yellow,Blue) are the primary subtractive colors.
What are the Secondary colors ?
The colors produced by mixing any two primary colors are called secondary colors or composite colors. Magenta, Cyan and Yellow colors are the secondary additive colors. Orange, Green, Purple are the secondary subtractive colors.
Tertiary colors :
Combining one primary with a secondary color creats a new set of colors.

Complementary Colors :
Complementary colors are the two colors, which give white/black light when mixed together. For example, red and cyan are complementary colors because they produce white light on mixing together. Red and green are complementary colors because they produce black light on mixing together.

Examples :