
What is Oracle ?
  • Oracle is a relational database management system. It is widely used in enterprise applications.
  • It is known as Oracle database, OracleDB or simply Oracle. It is produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation.

How to download and install oracle ?
  • Search in google and go to the official website.

  • Accept the license agreement and download the suitable version.

  • If we have already oracle account enter the credentials or else click on signup.

  • After successful authentication a setup file will be downloaded double click on that file.

  • Click on Next.

  • Accept the terms in license agreement.

  • Click on Next.

  • Create the password and click on next.

  • Click on install.

  • Click on finish.    

  • After successful installation click on get started with oracle database icon and it'll open a browser. Then click on application express. 

  • Enter the username as system and password which we have created at the time of installation and then click on login.
  • Then it'll prompted to create the workspace create the username and password.

  • Enter those details to get authenticated.

  • It'll will landed on home page, here we can write and execute the queries click on sql commands.

  • Oracle create query is used to create a table.

  • Insert query is used to insert records into table. INSERT ALL statement is used to insert multiple rows with a single INSERT statement. We can insert the rows into one table or multiple tables by using only one SQL command.

  • Update query is used to update records of a table.

  •  Alter query is used to add, modify, delete or drop columns of a table.

  • Delete query is used to delete records of a table from database.

  • Drop query is used to drop a table or view. It doesn't have structure and data after executing this query.

Pros and cons of oracle :
  • PRO's :
    • Stable.
    • It can handle a huge amount of data and perform well under load.
    • Reliable.
    • Nice documentation.
    • Security.
    • Built in Administration tools and customizable settings.
  • Con's :
    • It's expensive.
    • if we don't need to support a lot of data and transactions per second we should seriously consider a cheaper option like MySQL.