What is MySQL ?
  • MySQL is a fast, easy to use relational database. It is currently the most popular open-source database.
  • MySQL is used for many small and big businesses. It is developed, marketed and supported by MySQL AB, a Swedish company. It is written in C and C++.

MySQL Features :

  • Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
  • Easy to use.
  • It is secure.
  • Free to download.
  • It is scalable.
  • Compatibale on many operating systems.
  • High Performance.
  • High Flexibility.

Drawbacks of MySQL :
  • It does not support a very large database size as efficiently.
  • It doesn't handle transactions very efficiently and it is prone to data corruption.
  • It is accused that it doesn't have a good developing and debugging tool compared to paid databases.
  • It doesn't support SQL check constraints.

How to install MySQL in our computer ?
  • Search for download sql in google and go to the official website to download.

  • Click on the download link.

  • After downloading the setup file double click on that file and install the software.

  • Open the MySQL installer and click on configure.

  • Click on the next and create the root password and then click on next to finish the installation.

  • Click on mysql command line and give the created password to use mysql.

Basic Operations in MySQL :
  • Create database is used to create database, use database is used to select database,  create query is used to create a table.

  • Alter query is used to add, modify, delete or drop colums of a table.

  • Insert query is used to insert records into table.

  • Update query is used to update records of a table.

  • Delete query is used to delete records of a table from database.

  • Truncate query is used to truncate or remove records of a table. It doesn't remove structure.