Hexa Decimal System

What is hexa decimal system ?
The hexa decimal system or base-16 number system has 16 numbers from 0 to F. It is convenient way to express binary numbers in modern computers in which each hexa decimal number is represented as four binary digits. Two hexa decimal numbers represents 8 binary digits or a byte.

Conversion from decimal to hexa decimal :

Conversion from hexa decimal to decimal :

Conversion from hexa decimal to binary :

Conversion from binary to hexa decimal :

Where we use hexa decimal system ?
  • In HTML.
  • In MAC (Media Access control).
  • In low level languages we use Hexa Decimal numbers to address the memory location
  • It is often used in error messages it refers to the memory location of the error. This helps programmers to find and then fix the problems.
  • In web address.

It is used by programmers to describe locations in memory because it can represent every byte (i.e., eight bits) as two consecutive hexadecimal digits instead of the eight digits that would be required by binary (i.e., base 2) numbers and the three digits that would be required with decimal numbers. In addition, it is much easier for humans to read hexadecimal numbers than binary numbers.