An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.
An IP address serves two principal functions, host or network interface identification and location addressing.
Types of IP Address :
IPv4 addressconsists of four numbers, each of which contains one to three digits, with a single dot (.) separating each number or set of digits.
Each of the four numbers can range from 0 to 255. IPv4 IP address are 32 bit numbers. In the above binary format, there are total of 32 binary numbers.
Each and every binary number that are separated by the dot is converted to its corresponding binary number. There are total of 4 bytes here.
The total possible combination of unique ipv4 ip addresses are 4,294,967,296.
IPv6stands forInternet Protocol Version 6. It is a huge improvement from the ipv4 ip address.
IPv6 uses 128 bits for each address, meaning we have theoretically 2^128 = 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 possible address values.
Static IP : The IP address provided by our ISP on permanent basis which will never change even we restart our system. Fixed line connections, server systems are example of static IP.
Dynamic IP :The IP address provided by our ISP whenever we connected to network, allocate on dynamic basis. It means our IP is valid for us until we are not disconnected.
A Public (or external) IP address is the one that our ISP (Internet Service Provider) provides to identify our home network to the outside world. It is an IP address that is unique throughout the entire Internet.
Our router issues Private (or internal) IP addresses to each network device inside our network. This provides unique identification for devices that are within our home network, such as our computer, laptop, and so on.
Private networks can use IP addresses anywhere in the following ranges. - (65,536 IP addresses). - (1,048,576 IP addresses). - (16,777,216 IP addresses).
How to check an ip address ?
In command prompt type ipconfig.
In google type My IP.
we also have different websites that will provide the ip address i.e., and what is my ip etc.
We can also find every websites ip address for that in command prompt type tracert website name.
Another way is type ping website name in command prompt.